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Guide for career progression – 3Ps process – Part TWO – Prepare yourself

Prepare yourself

In any job you do, it is very important for you to set up your own goals. Unless you are clear on where you want to go in your career and what your objectives are then most probably you would end up being wood floating on a river.

So, set yourself goals. Realistic, achievable and most notably demonstrable goals, where you could show the output to your managers and peers. It always helps to have, as I said, realistic goals that could possibly achieved in a short term (3-6 months) and long term (2+ years).

One thing that you should keep in mind while setting goals is the fact that unless your goals satisfy two prime criteria. They are,

Does it benefit your project / organization?

Can that give you a value or a weight in your performance report?

Ok, once you have made your mind clear on the goals then the first and foremost thing you should do is to set the ball rolling by starting to work hard (read smart) in your project and demonstrate that you are absolutely keen and dedicated to the cause of the project (and organization).

Few actions you would like to note are,

Understand the project quickly

Be a good team player and a listener

Help others in the team

Demonstrate good results in the project and be dependable

Show you can carry out the project on your own shoulders (secret tip – read it as make the project dependant on you) !

Typically you expect to get ready to move into 2nd gear of your progression over a period of 6-8 months.  Once you have have met all above, you are ready to step into the next step and take more challenges on board.

Will write about the step two, in my part three sometime over next few days, so keep an eye here!


This is a series of FOUR posts on Guide for career progression – 3Ps process.  Other posts on this could be found below.

Part ONE – Overview Part TWO – Prepare yourself Part THREE – Practice hard, become a key player Part FOUR – Pass it on & progress

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