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Strategic talent management – talent challenges in IT industry

Continuing from my previous post about mindset of people towards corporate training and how any talent management initiative with the employees hits the rough road, in this post I would like to outline some of the challenges the IT industry faces towards managing talented people and also towards the overall in-house talent development concept.

Talent needs way to grow

Where you like it or not, the talented people in companies can not be contained without giving growth opportunities for long. You can keep them on promises only until a certain point. If not your company, they would eventually leave you and join someone else who might recognize their talent better and reward them as per what they deserve. So, you always have to mark your talented people in a separate category and pre-plan their growth and show them the path so they could retain the trust in you for their growth.

Limited bandwidth with HR

Although the HR teams are accountable for ensuring the talent management practices are in place and are followed, the limited number people strength in the HR, does not allow them to focus repeated and consistently over the progress being made in the project teams towards implementing these practices.

People managers & directors are busy with business

The project managers and directors are focused on delivering the business, so find little time to do actual handholding of talent reporting directly to them through their project. Since the talent development and implementing the practices a non business-core activity it is a always considered as a ‘tick-in-the-box’. Thus, it not getting the due attention and focus that it deserves.

The in-out game of training & development activities

The corporate trainings do help until a certain extent, but do not offer a sustained end-to-end development for an individual. The person feels good while in the training, but often lacks understanding on how to apply the learning back in his / her own project. This further means that although the companies spend heavy money on arranging the trainings for people, the assimilation and application of the training is often left on individuals to carry out as per their own capability.

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