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Strategic talent management – mindsets of people towards corporate trainings

We all know how the corporate training works within the companies.

Although most of the companies, try and get best of the trainers and consultants to carry out the training for their people, somewhere it does not yield results as they expect. In my view, there are few basic issues around the way the trainings are done. Some of them I am pointing out here,

The hurry up mindset

The completion of ‘certain amount of training days’ has been a KRA set by few companies for their employees which counts to some good portion of the appraisal evaluation. If these employees do not complete these training days, then the appraisal results surely gets hampered.

Hence, to ensure that the training KRA gets completed, the employees ensures that the training days are somehow are completed by,

Either attending and taking training which has no direct relation to the work they are doing (but adds significantly to the completed training hours).

Or by completing the e-Learning courses online, where you can work and learn together (but still adds to your completed training hours)

Taking short-cut directly to the assessments, once successfully completed, adds the duration of the supposed learning to be done before the assessment to your tally of completed training hours

The get away mindset

Another phenomenon I have seen is of the people who attend the training to get away from their busy work schedule and supposedly get little ‘peace of mind’ by being away from work stress. The whole purpose of learning, thus changes from being receptive towards learning something new to enjoying a break from their work. Although they ‘enjoy’ being in the training for full day, the enjoyment comes from being away from work, not due to the learning they get.

So, in a nutshell, the the whole training thing just becomes a good day out and get-away from work, not really a fruitful learning experience.

The dunno-how-to-do-this mindset

There are few people who are genuinely interested in learning and do take part in the training to enhance their knowledge. The training goes very well, and they very actively take part in the learning process by being part of discussions, debates and interactions with others. The end of the day, carries a feel-good factor for them and feel genuinely pumped up to take the training learning back to their workplace and apply in practice.

However, most often, when the first genuine chance comes to apply these trainings in practice, they get stuck with ‘how to do’ and ‘what to do’ questions. Mostly, unable to apply them and end up being terming it as a failure of the training or trainer’s incapability to relate to real life examples during training. Thus, the good trainings often ends up being no productive at work due to lack of someone guiding them how to apply the learning on the ground during their situations.

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