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Continuing on my convergence thoughts ..

Last month I wrote an article on the emerging technologies & their influence on the traditional telecom services provider here.

I have been doing some more reading on this front and one of the most interesting article (research paper) I came across was from IBM on “The changing face of Telecommunications”. There is a PDF file you can download and read during your leisure time to get to know more about their thinking.

The paper concentrates on the aspect of the growing influence of the non-traditional telecom service providers such as Skype and the ever growing size of the people using Social Networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Orkut etc to get in touch with each other.

The white paper also shows the stats taken from Alexa about how the usage of social media & social networking sites have grown in last few years. The bi-year comparison clearly shows how the sites such as Facebook, Myspace & Orkut are growing in the user base.

The IBM research pretty much sums up what I expect to happen in the field of Internet & Telecommunications in coming years.

Unless the traditional Telco’s such as British Telecom, Vodafone, Telefonica etc., starts welcoming the changes and act accordingly to provide a open & free options for their users to interact between themselves, I guess the day is not far when companies like Skype will take them over and be the preferred telecom providers.

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